Sandy Creek

Support Sandy Creek Pony Club

Pony Club Mission:

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.

Supporting Sandy Creek 

The Sandy Creek Pony Club is a non-profit club that is run solely on volunteers. There are many ways in which you can support us. Some of which are listed below. 


Volunteers are ALWAYS appreciated at Sandy Creek. Whether you'd like to donate your time helping to make ribbons, organizing fund raising events or setting up for events and meetings we'd love to hear from you. 

Prize Donations 

We love to give prizes for achievements at Sandy Creek. Achievements can look different for each person as they progress along their equestrian journey.  We like to celebrate all achievements large and small, sometimes this may be by giving a small prize or gift to the member.  You can donate to our prize fund and take a tax write off at the same time!

Sharing our Club on Social Media 

Sharing our club and events on social media is a quick and easy way of showing your support. Getting the word out to the local equine community is one way in which you can help our club to grow. 

Joining our Club 

Join our club and help is to grow and represent the Coastal bend at regional events. 

Attending events 

Whether you attend as a participant at our open events or as a spectator, showing up shows your support.

Annual Sponsors 

Sandy Creek is now accepting annual sponsors to help us grow our club and make competitions and rallies accessible to more members. Your monetary donation is tax deductible and will go towards off-setting the costs involved with attending events and providing equipment needed to run a successful club. 

All dollar amounts are welcome and we offer advertising opportunities for all of our sponsors.  If you'd like to receive a sponsorship package please reach out to one of our committee members.

Otherwise we invite you to make your donation via PayPal by clicking HERE


Pony Club Core Values:

Horsemanship with respect to healthcare, nutrition, stable management, handling and riding a mount safely, correctly and with confidence.

Organized teamwork including cooperation, communication, responsibility, leadership, mentoring, teaching and fostering a supportive yet competitive environment.

Respect for the horse and self through horsemanship; for land through land conservation; and for others through service and teamwork.

Service by providing an opportunity for members, parents, and others to support the Pony Club program locally, regionally and nationally through volunteerism.

Education at an individual pace to achieve personal goals and expand knowledge through teaching others.

Thanking Our 2024 Sponsors