Sandy Creek

Terms & Conditions

The Sandy Creek Pony Club Camp/Event Terms and Conditions

Please ensure that you read and understand the terms and conditions prior to your appointment. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, as we will be happy to help.

Terms, Conditions and Barn Rules.

  1.  All sales are final 
  2. All barns rules must be followed 
  3. All participants must sign and submit the appropriate liability release forms. 
  4. If adverse weather conditions should force the rescheduling of the event or camp Sandy Creek Pony Club will apply your payment towards another event of your choosing. 
  5. If you choose not to attend the camp or event for any reason, no refund will be given, you may choose to have someone else take your spot. 
  6. All participants must indicate whether they are a USPC member or not. 
  7. In order to receive the membership discount members must be in good standing.
  8. Sandy Creek Pony Club retains the right to refuse entry of any participant at their sole discretion. 
  9. All rules as determined by the USPC rule books will be published and upheld, dependent on the discipline. 
  10. Sandy Creek Pony Club retains the right to cancel or reschedule any event without notice. In the event of this happening, a full refund or credit to another event will be given.  

General Barn Rules

Equine activities are high risk sports that can result in severe injury, limb loss, paralysis and in some cases death. You will be required to sign the appropriate waiver prior to your participation. Minors must have a parent or guardian sign for them.

All persons are required to wear closed toed shoes when on the premises. All participants will be required to wear head protection (provided) whilst mounted and are recommended to do so at all times, when working with horses. Body protection is also recommended (not provided) when mounted. Participants are recommended to wear gloves when handling and riding horses. Long hair should be tied back and jewelry is not recommended. All clothing should be well fitting and riders are required to wear a close toe boot or shoe, with little grip and a small heel.

Children who are not participating in equine activities must remain under the supervision of an adult (18+years old) at all times and must not run around the barn, in the arena or parking area at any time.

Persons on the premises must remain in the designated viewing area and must not enter restricted areas which include, but are not limited to paddocks, stalls, garage, office, tack room, feed room, house and upstairs areas. They must not handle any animal without supervision and must not walk around the trailers or up the driveway.

Persons must not feed or approach any animal without first gaining permission.

Spectators will be limited to two (2) per visit. We ask all spectators to remain in the viewing area or their vehicle for the duration of the appointment.

Please do not play loud music or sound the vehicle horn whilst on the premises.

Please do not bring pets, this includes dogs or other pets to the premises.

Please do not enter the barn or pastures without a member of staff.

Please do not arrive at your appointment more than five (5) minutes early, if you do please remain in your car until your appointment time.

Please refrain from climbing on the fence and gates.

In the interest of safety, anyone who consistently breaks these rules (2 warnings) will be asked to vacate the premises and will forfeit their appointment and any remaining appointments (without refund).

All persons entering the property must present themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. Any disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, actions or comments (including on social media) made regarding, towards or about any of our staff, residents, volunteers, other students/participants, animals, property or equipment will result in the offender being asked to remove themselves from our property and forfeit any upcoming appointments without refund. Any one who has questions, issues or concerns should bring them directly to Kim Jenkins, who will address them appropriately. 


Thank you for following the terms and conditions. Your safety is our priority. 


Thanking Our 2024 Sponsors